Have a professional website or web shop created!

With over +100 custom made
websites & webshops in Eindhoven and Brabant, we have the expertise to optimize and grow your online presence.

We create custom solutions, not a template website, that perfectly match your brand identity and goals. In recent years, both small startups and large organizations have had websites created with us. With us you will find all the expertise under one roof: no more hassle of multiple companies or partners for your digital solutions, products or services. Effectively generate leads and inform your target audience. We think along, challenge and surprise.

With over +100 custom built websites & web shops in Eindhoven and Brabant, we have the expertise to optimize and grow your online presence.

We create custom solutions, not template websites, that perfectly match your brand identity and goals. With us you will find all the expertise under one roof: no more hassle of multiple companies or partners for your digital solutions, products or services. In recent years, both small startups and large organizations have had websites created with us. We think along, challenge and surprise.

We work with a variety of clients:

Discover the capabilities of our 5 digital products and solutions.

Discover the possibilities of our
5 digital products and solutions.

Say goodbye to the hassle of having multiple companies or partners for your digital solutions, products or services. Find all the expertise under one roof with us. Discover expertise by clicking one of the buttons below .

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Web Development

We start by understanding your digital goals: What does your company want to achieve and what needs are there? More leads or just relevant visitors? Based on your answers, we will create an appropriate web design and flow, and then build your website.

  • Customized websites.
  • Brainstorming and design session to determine strategy and goals.
  • Desktop and mobile UI/UX design.
  • CMS for website management.
  • Customized web shops.
  • Desktop and mobile UI/UX design.
  • Brainstorming and design session to determine strategy and goals.
  • CMS for website management.
  • Hosting your website, web shop or digital products in our own data center.
  • Monthly updates & security.
  • Support for questions, problems or minor adjustments.
  • Semi-annual website audit.
  • Setting up and managing business email addresses.

Discover web development projects





Verschuren Total Projects



Creating your brand’s identity can be challenging. How do you transform your company’s concept into a unique brand? We are here to guide you through this journey, from brainstorming and designing a logo to putting together the right communication for your target audience.

  • Creating a mood board.
  • Defining the mission and vision with core values.
  • Coming up with the concept for the company through a brand story and slogan.
  • Design of a logo that reflects identity.
  • Logos in all formats.
  • Color palette and instructions for use.
  • Typography and font styles.
  • General visual style guidelines.
  • Brand story and core values.
  • Use and variants of the logo.
  • Color use and color coding.
  • Typography and use of fonts.
  • Application of brand identity across various media (online, print, merchandise, etc.).
  • Examples of correct and incorrect use of brand identity.
  • Guidelines for the use of images and graphics.
  • Photo shoots for social media.
  • Photo shoots for the website.
  • For websites, brochures and more.
  • SEO implementation for improved findability.


Managing social media, increasing online visibility and creating engaging campaigns can be overwhelming. We streamline your marketing goals, from social media management to impactful online campaigns, with the goal of gaining more leads and relevant visitors.

  • Google My Company
    Increase your local visibility and provide quick access to accurate business information, drive physical traffic and online engagement. And of course, make sure you look beautiful and professional.
  • Google Analytics & Tag Manager
    Get detailed insights into your website traffic, user behavior and conversion tracking, enabling data-driven decisions to optimize marketing strategies and improve ROI.
  • Google Ads campaigns
    We create targeted ads to reach potential customers who are actively searching for your products or services, which can result in increased brand visibility and qualified traffic to the website.
  • Google SEO
    Improve website ranking in Google search results, leading to increased organic traffic, brand reputation and trust among users, which can ultimately result in higher conversions and revenue.
  • SEA
    SEA, or Search Engine Advertising, involves placing ads on search engine results pages, such as Google Ads, to promote your website or products. It is a paid advertising method in which advertisers bid on keywords that users can enter into search engines. With SEA, you can directly improve your business results, whether it’s increasing leads or improving visibility.
We offer monthly management packages! Or create your own monthly package at an hourly rate. This way you customize the social media package based on your specific needs. Check out all of our packages!
  • Monthly management and content creation for Instagram.
  • Monthly management and content creation for LinkedIn.
Click here
to see

Discover marketing projects

The Aphrodite Tilburg

Online marketing


Online marketing


From designing menus to creating digital presentations. We can handle all your design challenges. Discover all the possibilities below!

  • Flyers.
  • Leaflets.
  • Brochures.
  • Business cards.
  • Posters.
  • Banners.
  • Leaflets.
  • Catalog.
  • Stickers.
  • Email signatures (HTML).
  • Interactive PDF files.
  • Infographics.
  • Presentations.
  • Graphics for social media.
  • Webshops.
  • Websites.
  • Landing pages.
  • Mobile applications.
  • Dashboards.

Discover design projects


We take the time to thoroughly evaluate your current strategy and business challenges. We then develop a customized plan that perfectly matches your business goals and challenges. Only in this way will you continue to grow!

  • Analysis of your current strategy:
    We begin by thoroughly evaluating your current digital strategy to discover what is working well and what can be improved. This includes looking at market trends, competitors and your internal capabilities.
  • Customized strategy development:
    We work closely with you to understand your business goals and challenges. During brainstorming sessions, we come up with creative ideas, methodologies, tools and solutions that fit your specific situation. We then translate these into an appropriate strategy.
  • Creating a plan of action:
    Based on the insights, strategy and goals, we create a detailed action plan. This plan describes the steps needed to achieve your digital strategy, including clear goals, timelines and resources needed.
  • Risk analysis:
    We investigate potential security risks to your digital infrastructure.
  • Customized security strategy:
    Our experts develop a customized security strategy that meets your business needs and industry standards.
  • Implementation and monitoring:
    We help you implement security measures and continuously monitor them to ensure that your systems remain secure. This includes regular updates, threat detection and incident response planning.
  • We develop digital strategies to drive sales and business growth. This includes generating more leads, increasing visitor relevance, and increasing sales of products and services.

The team behind our websites & web shops.

As a digital agency, we work with a permanent, in-house team of designers, backend and front-end developers. Every website or web shop we take on is developed in-house without outsourcing. We move quickly and have all the expertise needed to develop custom websites for our clients.

And we go beyond websites and web shops; we also provide branding, (online) marketing, design and strategy. Thus, our process is designed to optimize collaboration with our clients, leading to a professional end result with all expertise under one roof.

How do we work?

Every website is different; we use a standard workflow and implement your strategy within it.


Introduction meeting & strategy formulation

At our first meeting, we discuss your business, goals, desired functionalities, message and design for the website. Based on this, we develop and design a plan that fits your business perfectly.


Translating your needs into a web design!

We begin by clarifying the project structure, establishing priorities and to-do’s. Then we translate your requirements into a suitable web design. This results in a clear blueprint of the website!


Let’s build!

At this stage, the website will be developed! We target the back-end and develop the visual and interactive part of the website. We provide an attractive, user-friendly and responsive website for an optimal user experience on all devices.


There you go! you are live, but never without support

After careful testing and refinement, we launch your new website, making it accessible to users. This is the moment when your vision comes to life on the web!

Continuous maintenance and updates are essential to keep your website secure, current and functional. That’s why we offer an annual support contract.

Our customers speak

Let's create
your website.
